Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fall going by fast

I don't know quite how it happened.  Winter is almost upon us already- as a testament to how time has felt this season I have only one other posting this month(!).  Apologies to our regular blog visitors.  We've spent wonderful quality time with many friends of late, including Jeremy's friends Gavin (who gave Jeremy a wonderful, two minute long hug at departure), and Spencer (who came for dinner).  Both gorgeous, smart, happy friends have two mommies like Jeremy.

 Jeremy continues to amaze- he now has over 50 signs and (hard to imagine) over 50 spoken words.  There is much overlap between the lists.  Yes, we do keep a list, although I doubt it is up to date.  It seems he has something new for us each day- Jeremy said "doggie" on our walk this morning clear as day (he usually only signs this one), and signed "apple" beautifully soon afterwards- a relatively new sign for him.  

His newest obsession is music- we have a pink plastic electric keyboard Mommy found at a neighborhood junk sale he can't get enough of, and his most frequent sign is the one for violin- usually meaning that he wants you to turn on the classical music station, KVOD.     

Final note- I am reading the book Child of Mine about raising children to be healthy eaters and it is a MUST READ.  My cousin Jessica recommended it and now I am recommending it to everyone I meet.  The essential kernel is this: delegation of responsibility.  It is the parents responsibility to provide healthy food and a nice atmosphere for meals at appropriate times.  It is the child's responsibility to eat- as much or as little as they like or not at all.  Problems happen when this breaks down- such as when the child dictates what or when to eat or the parents try to regulate intake of food.  I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

1 comment:

Two Grrlz said...

I love it! I feel very cool that we made the Simon Family Blog. It was so great getting to spend time with you guys and watching the little ones play. Let's definitely have a play date again soon, for both mommies and toddlers. Maybe in December or January?

Big hugs,
CJ (and Meg and Spency)