Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jeremy 9 mo old

It is hard to believe that he has now been "out" as long as he was "in" (if you know what I mean). At his 9 month "well child" Dr.'s visit, they declared that he was in the 75% for height/length and 15% for weight- and that that was "just perfect" and "exactly what we like to see". They were also very impressed that we hadn't been in once yet for a "sick visit"- hurrah for breast milk! To answer the many queries I've been receiving, yes, we are still breast feeding (per the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatricians), and no, the teeth are no problem at all. It seems nature is smart again- with emergence of his teeth, Jeremy seems to suddenly have a heightened interest in solids. He feeds himself with gusto, especially his favorite: apples. Jeremy has also graduated from his Signing Smart class, and now knows 10 different signs. The teacher thinks that he is on the verge of what is referred to as the signing cluster, when he suddenly starts signing more often and with more signs. His most recent is the sign for bear.

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